About ME

Hi! Im Carlo Imatong a student from Singapore Polytechnic purusuing a diploma in Business IT.
Also,I love to play sports like Tchouckball, Frisbee, Basketball, Powerball basically tons of sports.
I'm a fun-loving, enthusiastic, out-going, chill and energetic.
I do really dumb things when im around my close friends but in public I behave (cause Public)
If you know more about me, you can message me through my social media or just meet me in person!
I'm really approachable (probably why no Girlfriend) and fun to talk to.
That's all I got for now hehe :D
**NOTE** This website was actually really fun yet kinda stressful but definitely worth it!

Fun Fact!

I eat at least 4 meals a day..
but i DO NOT get fat.

